Holistic Coach, Author
& Keynote Speaker


Coaching for your "Whole Life"

Be confident and stand out in your business.
Level up your personal relationships and take back your power in mind and body health!

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call + Free Gift

Holistic Coach, Author
& Keynote Speaker


Coaching for your "Whole Life"

Be confident and stand out in your business. 
Level up your personal relationships and take back your power in mind and body health!

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call + Free Gift

Mind Centered Coaching for Life,
Business & Relationships

We've all had glimpses of exactly what we want in our lives, who we are, our purpose. Times when the soul is awakened with an aha! We've all had these moments and yet through busy lives and distraction we have forgotten. DenaB Coaching aims to shake things up, to wake US up! To remind us of our power and excellence, to silence the voice of our saboteur, and to plan a new life story.  With one on one, small group coaching, Masterminds and workshops, DenaB Coaching can help you center on what is best for you, your life, family, and business to move forward.

Leading the Way: When to Stay

A recent conversation with Dena's great friend Chris Reavis. In this conversation, Dena shares her transformative journey from a physician assistant to a leadership coach, emphasizing the importance of staying and facing challenges rather than running away. From personal experiences of confronting her own struggles, to the need for mentorship, and integrating mind-body connections into her coaching practice.

Take a listen!

Keys to Success


Confidence isn't learning how to sell your widget, it's learning how to think, believe and trust MORE in yourself than what you assume others are thinking about you.


Clarity is to be more clear than anyone else about who you are and what got you to make the decisions and the path you made. Build inner truth.


Developing your best self requires PRACTICE and focus to find your inner voice. It requires calm, quiet and great reflective questions and listening.


Once you have a voice, USE it. Often. In YOUR language, the language of YOUR personal story, and special gifts. Standing up and apart from the hundreds of thousands all trying to get the same customers attention. KNOW what you do extremely well.


Without clearing out the old fear based story, and opening up space to let in a new story, we feel like a rat on a wheel. Decide how you define your rules for a great life, NOW, today...not from the vantage point that you did in the past. Beliefs that once got us HERE, usually will not get us THERE. Its time to break the rules. 

Schedule Your 30-minute Discovery Call + Free Gift

Ways to Work with Me

Immersive Coaching Experience

High performance, mind centered one-on-one coaching to level up your life, relationships, or business!  Primary life work is on our own selves.  Make yourself a priority!  Ripple effect to follow.

Take your first step with a free Discovery Call


Keynote & Seminars

Keynotes and seminars custom designed to your company, team, or community focusing on specific needs for your desired outcome. Art and Science combined for absolute inspiration.


Leadership Focus | Workshops & Webinars

Webinars designed for you and your leaders to Amp up performance.  So many times, the concept of high performance leadership escapes us.  We deliver a Leadership Map to support progress into new roles within your organization as well as within your own life - by beginning with Primary Leadership, leading ourselves.

It all begins with a conversation - schedule yours by clicking here today


When I was ready to throw in the towel because of fear, doubt, and all kinds of other excuses, it was Dena that got me back on track to self-empowerment.  She is so good at listening and discovering (discerning) the true essence of who you are, & helping you connect the dots from your why to your goal line.  I cannot thank her enough for helping me break through some difficult things. I am back on purpose and on track to achieve some big dreams.  She really is the best.
Veronica E.
Direct Sales Leader

Words that describe Coach Dena: dynamic, compassionate, educated, authentic & innovative...   I’ve had the honor to know, grow, and share a passionate journey with Dena for over a decade. She is an exceptional leader who sees the greatness oozing out of her audience & clients and truly wants them to be their best self. She is a trusted mastermind partner.  I can always depend on her to challenge my status quo as I grow my business. This girl is on fire and you will be too when you collaborate with her!
Kim P.

I approached Dena because I was stuck with where to take my business to the next level.  Dena is amazing!  She helped me realize I am a rock star and can exceed my goals. With Dena encouragement and coaching I doubled what I was making in less than 4 months of working with her!  Dena is full of positivity and I highly encourage everyone to work with her!
Annie K.
Professional Organizer

My favorite thing about working with Dena is her outright honesty and her ability to bring out my bad qualities and turn them around to good qualities. She holds me accountable! Everyone needs a 'Daily Dose of Dena'! My time management has improved tremendously. Working with my team members is easier and I don’t feel the guilt like before. I see things differently in people than i did before.
Lori J.
Direct Sales Leader

Through her hard-hitting, pointed, and spot-on assessments and critiques, she has helped me get back on track toward becoming 'the best version of myself.' I've hit my stride again and stepped onto the threshold of being back in 'The Zone!'
My self-confidence is surging. However, and extremely importantly, the benefit derived from the experience has added deep and genuine humility to my self-belief. And most importantly, it has sharpened my focus on the tremendous value I can provide to my clients and the world as a whole.
Larry B.
Business Trainer & Advisor

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Grit in 2021: The Long Game

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The ART of the WIN WIN

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Keyword and Tips to Connect with Customers Virtually

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