HAPPY  adj: favored by fortune; blissful; successful

FREAK  noun: abnormal phenomenon; exception 

Grit in 2021: The Long Game determination goal setting grit growth mindset mindset perserverance Feb 10, 2021

2020 was the longest year in the record books, and the hits just came one after another. So, how do you muster the energy for a fresh new year? 

Well, you summon your GRIT. Don't really have any GRIT, you say?? Well, good news...you can GROW GRIT! 

GRIT is born out of the Mind, a GROWTH...

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Ode to Passion determination dream goal setting growth mindset passion success vision Nov 18, 2020

What makes one passionate?? In other words, what is the precursor to passion? Burning desire, yes. Unfulfilled dreams? Anger? Despair? Joy? Success? Profound loss? Passion is defined as an emotion, a strong or extravagant fondness toward a person, thing or ideal. 

We are quintessential...

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